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AARP AARP States Pennsylvania Advocacy

AARP Pennsylvania Offers Tips for Safe Summer Vacation Rentals

Fraud Watch Minute: Summer Vacation Rentals


MEDIA CONTACT: TJ Thiessen | | (202) 374-8033

Harrisburg, PA – As the peak summer vacation season approaches, AARP Pennsylvania is warning travelers to be on the lookout for online vacation rental scams. Popular online vacation platforms offer a convenient and affordable way to find vacation rentals, but scammers are using them to take advantage of unsuspecting travelers.

"Vacation rental scams can be devastating for travelers who lose their hard-earned money and their much-needed vacation time," said Mary Bach, Chair of AARP Pennsylvania's consumer issues task force. "But with a few simple precautions, travelers can protect themselves and their families from these scams."

Watch AARP's "Fraud Watch Minute" on Summer Rental Scams here.

Here are three tips from AARP Pennsylvania to avoid vacation rental scams:

  • Research the listing carefully. Check the reviews and ratings from previous guests, and look for any red flags such as poor communication from the host, unusual payment requests, or last-minute changes to the reservation.
  • Use a secure payment method. Never wire money or pay with a prepaid debit card, as these methods are often used by scammers. Instead, use a credit card or a secure payment platform such as PayPal.
  • Verify the host's identity. Ask for a government-issued ID and compare it to the name on the reservation. You can also ask the host for a virtual tour of the rental property to ensure that it matches the listing.

"Scammers are getting more sophisticated, so it's important to stay vigilant," said David Kalinoski, Associate State Director of Community Outreach for AARP Pennsylvania. "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Take the time to do your research and protect yourself from vacation rental scams."

Report scams to local law enforcement. For help from AARP, call 1-877-908-3360 or visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network at  


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