AARP Eye Center

AARP Pennsylvania is a proud sponsor of the second Vision Zero Conference for Philadelphia, to be held on Wednesday, March 1, 2017.
Led by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, the second Vision Zero Conference for Philadelphia to be held at Thomas Jefferson University will carry the theme of "Creating Roadways That Respect Human Dignity."
According to the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, "Invited panelists include speakers from AAA and AARP; Kelley Yemen, the City of Philadelphia Complete Streets Director and Roy Gothie, PennDOT's Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator. The afternoon session will feature recommended street designs prepared by engineering firms in response to walkability audits of three intersections conducted by community members and Streets Department staff."
AARP has collaborated with the Vision Zero Network at the national level to help create safer streets as part of the livable communities initiative. Locally, AARP Pennsylvania has convened a Livable Communities Network to focus on issues such as transportation, housing, and civic engagement to make the City of Philadelphia a livable community for all ages.
AARP Pennsylvania is dedicated to helping the City of Philadelphia achieve an age-friendly designation and improving the lives of Philadelphians age 50 and older.
If you are interested in attending the Vision Zero Conference on Wednesday, March 1st, you can learn more and register here.