AARP Eye Center

In a significant step forward for the well-being and rights of older Pennsylvanians, Governor Josh Shapiro recently signed into law three key pieces of legislation supported by AARP Pennsylvania.
These new laws reflect a commitment to safeguarding the health and financial security of older Pennsylvanians.
Senate Bill 506 – which is now Act 61 of 2023 -- includes key provisions to strengthen Pennsylvania's guardianship laws and safeguard the dignity of adults in need of guardianship from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
It provides automatic appointment of counsel for alleged incapacitated persons without representation, enhanced oversight and accountability measures for professional guardians, and enhances the review process for guardianship.
Long-Term Care
The intention of House Bill 1300 was to add the Ombudsman as a representative on the Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council. Now signed into law as Act 34 of 2023, the ombudsman will begin serving as the voice for residents of long-term care facilities.
Prescription Drugs
Lastly, Senate Bill 607 – now known as Act 62 of 2023 – allows older adults to continue to have access to essential mediations through the PACE and PACENET pharmaceutical programs, regardless of any increase in their Social Security.
Often referred to as a cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) moratorium, this extension serves as an important lifeline to help beneficiaries save money on their prescription medications.
AARP Pennsylvania applauds the state’s leadership for their decisive action in passing these bills that deliver results to help older Pennsylvanians receive the support they need to age with the dignity and respect they deserve.