AARP Eye Center
ICYMI: AARP in Your Community - York 2018
AARP Pennsylvania in York County is aiming to surprise and delight members and non-members alike. AARP hopes to be an active presence in the community through events aimed to provide members and non-member with service or an enjoyable evening. Here’s a sample of what we’ve been up to.
Operation: Stop Scams

On April 28, AARP Pennsylvania combined forces with the York County Economic Alliance, the York County Food Bank, and the Continental Paper Grading to offer free paper shredding. This year we attracted a total of 503 and shredded 25,300 pounds of paper during a four hour period. This event aims to provide an opportunity for members of the community to have a free and safe opportunity to shred their confidential documents. Through this effort, we help to educate the public on the very real danger of identity theft and the value of shredding those items that carry any bits of personally identifiable information. Vigilance against scammers is our number one weapon. By taking a few practical steps, including shredding confidential documents, you have the power to protect yourself and your family, stopping fraud before it happens. To learn about other ways to safeguard your identity, visit the Fraud Watch Network.
Be-In at Capitol Theatre
On April 19, AARP Pennsylvania sponsored a free Be-In concert at the York Capitol Theatre. 275 Boomers packed the near capacity venue to help re-live the 1960’s and capture the vibe that still endures from San Francisco’s Summer of Love. Two local bands, The Wild Hymns and John Terlazzo & Voices in the Hall, played original songs for a jubilant crowd. York City Mayor Michael Helfrich was in attendance and joined the bands on stage to help sing an encore. AARP received abundant appreciation from attendees, band members and the Mayor for its support of the arts and for showing up in new and unexpected ways to surprise and delight attendees.
The Be-Ins began with San Francisco origins of the free concerts in 1967. They quickly spread all over the country, including York for a solid decade of Summer Be-Ins. All of this would have a strong emphasis - not on "living in the past", but on doing good in the present and on how supporting live, original, independent, grassroots music benefits the health of the community at large and a positive response to cynical times. The concert at the Capitol Theater certainly emulated that same message.
Movies for Grownups
Over the past few months, AARP Pennsylvania has had several successful Movies for Grownups screenings that have reached near capacity in almost every screening. Our last three movies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi; Black Panther; and Murder on the Orient Express brought out movie-goers who expressed appreciation for AARP offering such first rate showings. AARP staff and volunteers were able to engage with members and provide an excellent viewing experience.
York County Food Bank
AARP Pennsylvania volunteers and staff make the effort to volunteer monthly at the York County Food Bank. Through our efforts we help to distribute over 6,000 pounds of fresh, healthy food monthly. We aim to make the community a better, more livable place by contributing time and effort to help ensure that our neighbors don’t go to bed hungry from having inadequate food to meet their needs.
AARP Pennsylvania is making a concerted effort to remain active in the community as we head towards the summer. Look out for AARP in York and surround counties in the upcoming months. Here’s a preview of where we will be popping up very shortly.
May 22 – Movies for Grownups: Nostalgia
Event details TBD
May 25 – Motown Revue
AARP Pennsylvania will be hosting a ‘60s and ‘70s Motown Revue at Crispus Attucks.
May 27 – Salute to Veterans
AARP Pennsylvania will be sponsoring a Salute to Veterans with the York Revolution, as we throw out the first pitch and have a display of Vietnam era artifacts on hand in the concourse where you can capture a real ballpark feel with a custom photo wearing a York Rev jersey with the backdrop of the stadium behind you. We honor our service men and women who are the epitome of AARP’s motto – to serve, not to be served.