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AARP Rhode Island

Better living in the Ocean State
AARP Rhode Island is raising awareness of the benefits of ADUs, making it easier to permit units and expanding the state's age-friendly, accessible, and affordable housing.
Get involved, raise your voice, meet new people.
Our events calendar is a gateway to scores of free AARP virtual and in-person events, as well as local member discounts.
AARP Rhode Island's 2024 Community Challange Grants
For the first time since AARP began publishing the Scorecard in 2011, more than half of Medicaid long-term care dollars nationwide for older adults and people with physical disabilities went to home- and community-based services instead of nursing homes and other institutions.
Rhode Island's housing needs must be a priority. Read Catherine Taylor's take on where Rhode Island ranks in the 2023 AARP Livablity Index.
The LTSS Scorecard is revealing; we need to improve
That said, we’ll keep fighting!
Making lives better for Rhode Islanders 50+
Older Americans and their families deserve a say in any changes to Social Security
A lineup of upcoming AARP Rhode Island events.
A plan for all Rhode Islanders workers to save for retirement
In the early 1900s, the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, now called "Black Wall Street," was a vibrant and prosperous community. Despite the challenges and racial injustices they faced, residents of this community built a thriving neighborhood filled with successful Black-owned businesses, attorneys, doctors, and real estate agents. Their achievements were nothing short of remarkable and served as a beacon of hope for Black Americans nationwide.
AARP research estimates 113 million hours of unpaid care that family caregivers provided in 2021
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About AARP Rhode Island
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.