AARP Eye Center

The South Carolina General Assembly convenes on Tuesday, January 8, 2012. The two-year session will be action packed as members discuss and debate issues important to older South Carolina residents.
2013 South Carolina State Legislative Priorities
HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES – Improve funding for key home and community- based long-term care programs that help seniors stay in their homes and remain independent. South Carolina ranked 4th in the nation for the most seniors 60 and older at risk of hunger. Now we must fight for Lt. Governor Glenn McConnell’s request for $5 million so that older folks will not go hungry or miss their doctor’s appointments.
PROVIDE HEALTH CARE OPTION FOR UNINSURED 50 TO 64 YEAR OLDS – Hard working people who paid taxes throughout their adult life need the security of affordable health care. Good and affordable health care coverage is a smart investment. It creates a more productive workforce. Healthy people are more reliable workers, they get paid and spend more dollars, and the state takes in more revenue. The Affordable Care Act extended coverage through Medicaid for those making less than $15,000 a year. That will help 65,000 South Carolinians 50 to 65 years old who are without health insurance now, if our state will agree to expanding Medicaid to cover these folks.
UTILITIES – AARP SC will fight alongside our members to protect South Carolinians from unfair rate hikes or proposals that would limit consumers’ ability to weigh in on utility regulations.
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE PROTECTIONS – South Carolina ranks in the top ten states in number of foreclosures. Some homeowners needlessly face the loss of their home due to foreclosure when programs and processes exist to avoid foreclosure. Programs enacted to help homeowners avoid catastrophe are too often underused due to the failure of mortgage servicers to comply with the new program rules. We support state laws to protect consumers during the duration of their mortgage loan from improper, shoddy or even fraudulent loan servicing practices, which can result in foreclosure.
VOLUNTEER GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR ADULTS - The mission of the South Carolina Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (SCVAGAL) Volunteer Program is to advocate for the best interests of abused, neglected and exploited vulnerable adults in South Carolina Family Courts by providing quality volunteer adult guardian ad litem (GAL) representation. We support making this a statewide program to protect vulnerable adults.