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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
Did you miss a virtual class offered by AARP? Starting this month, you can access AARP South Carolina programming on your own schedule, using Learn On-Demand.
South Carolina residents can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments or walk into a nearby pharmacy to get a shot. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
Feeling unclear about Medicare? This is where AARP can help. Join us for a free virtual seminar in your area for real-time information, tools, and resources to help you find the right plan.
For veterans and military families going through medical care, a Fisher House can provide a place to stay and a shared sense of camaraderie. The Fisher House Foundation now has 94 houses across the U.S.
Last year, AARP funded an expansion of the Southeast Diabetes Initiative, a program dedicated to raising awareness around type 2 diabetes for those most at risk of the disease. AARP is considering another program expansion by adding churches in other states.
Eating healthy can help you live your best life. And learning to cook can be fun! Join Chef Veera Gaul as she demonstrates how to prepare simple gourmet dishes that you can make at home. She will share recipes, tips and tricks as she puts a fresh spin on eating healthy. Each class has a different theme, so register for all three!
AARP is funding an expansion of the Southeast Diabetes Faith Initiative into the South Carolina cities of Columbia and Charleston.
South Carolina has the nation’s sixth-highest prevalence of diabetes—affecting more than 1 in 4 over age 65. AARP South Carolina supports an ambitious new group Diabetes Free SC that focuses on prevention and healthy living.
The use of telehealth—working with patients remotely using video, patient portals or texting—worked well during weeks of stay-at-home restrictions.
South Carolinian's have faced unprecedented issues in the last few years. From floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and now the COVID19 pandemic. In some way or another, we have all felt the stress and anxieties of this virus.
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