AARP Eye Center

South Carolinians need the security of affordable health care. Affordable health care means we can keep ourselves and our families healthy, keep our jobs, sustain the self-employed and start new businesses.
Affordable health care ensures that our kids can thrive and be successful. Implementing new health care solutions is the best choice for South Carolina, our citizens, our economy, and our future. We will be making a smart investment in our state’s economy and workforce. Our state’s health system will be stronger and more cost-effective, and hardworking South Carolina residents will be healthier.
Medicaid provides many South Carolinians – children, seniors living at home and in nursing homes, and people with disabilities – indispensable health and long term care. Now we can build on these successes and make coverage affordable for more working adults and families.
Many of our state’s hospitals and other healthcare providers rely on Medicaid dollars to provide essential services and equipment. Without Medicaid, hospitals will be forced to absorb all the costs for treating the uninsured – threatening some hospitals with closure, especially those in rural areas. Hospitals are economic engines, essential to keeping our communities healthy.
More than 329,000 people in our state earn less than $15,000 a year and do not have health insurance. People with access to health care are healthier and more productive. We, the undersigned, urge our South Carolina lawmakers to make sure our friends and neighbors are able to access affordable and appropriate healthcare through our Medicaid program.
AARP South Carolina
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association American Stroke Association Columbia Urban League, Inc. disAbility
Resource Center
Federation of Families of South Carolina League of Women Voters of South Carolina March of Dimes
Mental Health America – South Carolina
Multiple Sclerosis Society, Greater Carolinas
National Alliance on Mental Illness South Carolina
Palmetto Project
Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc.
South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center
South Carolina Primary Health Care Association
South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce
South Carolina Cancer Alliance
South Carolina HIV/AIDS Care Crisis Task Force
United Way Association of South Carolina
United Way of the Midlands, Health Council