AARP Eye Center

The South Carolina Equipment Distribution Program is a state program administered by the SC Office of Regulatory Staff. Also known as AmplifyLife, the purpose of the program is to assist those who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, blind/low vision with hearing loss, or speech impaired, to better communicate over the telephone by offering telecommunications equipment at no charge. The process is simple: you fill out the one page application, have it signed by a professional certifier, attach a copy of a state issued ID and current phone bill, and send it in! The equipment is shipped to the customer and is loaned to that person for as long as they need it.
Currently, an applicant must have traditional, landline telephone service to qualify for the program. This excludes cell phone service, VoIP service, and prepaid wireless service. The SC Equipment Distribution Program is funded by a $.25 surcharge on all traditional landline phone lines in the state; a surcharge that is not charged to consumers by cell phone, VoIP, or prepaid wireless service providers.
Beginning in January 2017, the SC Equipment Distribution Program is pleased to announce that it will be accepting applications from customers with all types of telephone service-including cell phone service, VoIP, and prepaid wireless service. In addition, the SC Equipment Distribution Program will be updating and broadening the equipment offered to eligible clients.
To view the application and current equipment list, please visit their website. You can print the application from the website or call the office at 877-225-8337, and they will mail you one for free.