AARP Eye Center

(Sept. 29, 2020) Here’s an important election update from the SC Election Commission for individuals who are residents of long-term care facilities or nursing homes and their caregivers and family members.
A recent, temporary provision signed into law by the Governor will affect how residents of long-term care facilities and nursing homes must return an absentee ballot application. The bill states that only the voter or an authorized representative can return an absentee application. In previous elections anyone could return an application.
Absentee Application Returned in Person
If a voting coordinator from a long-term care facility or nursing home is returning an application for a resident in person then they need to complete an authorized representative form when returning the application(s) by Oct. 24.
The form is available on the SC Election Commission site and at county election commission offices. If a voting coordinator returns the applications in person without completing the form, the county office would give the coordinator a form and ask that it be completed before the applications can be accepted.
Absentee Application Returned by Mail
If a resident’s application is returned by mail, email or fax, then county would assume that the application is coming from the voter even if it is included in a mailing with multiple applications. The application for an absentee ballot must be received by the county election commission by Oct. 24, 2020.
Casting and Returning a Ballot
A resident would then receive their absentee ballot by mail, mark the ballot, insert into the return envelope, have a witness sign the envelope and return via mail or deliver to their county election office.