AARP Eye Center

THANK YOU! This is a great stride for family caregivers in South Carolina. Both the House and Senate overwhelmingly overrode the Governor’s veto of $2 million for respite vouchers for family caregivers. South Carolina family givers provide over $7.4 million in unpaid caregiving services.
Members of the House who voted in the affirmative were: Alexander Allison Anderson Anthony Atwater Bales Ballentine Bannister Barfield Bernstein Bingham Bowers Branham Brannon G. A. Brown R. L. Brown Burns Clemmons Clyburn Cobb-Hunter Cole H. A. Crawford Crosby Daning Delleney Dillard Douglas Erickson Felder Finlay Forrester Funderburk Gagnon Gambrell George Gilliard Hamilton Hardee Harrell Hart Hayes Herbkersman Hiott Hixon Hodges Horne Hosey Huggins Jefferson King Limehouse Loftis Long Lucas Mack McCoy McEachern M. S. McLeod W. J. McLeod Merrill Mitchell D. C. Moss V. S. Moss Munnerlyn Nanney Neal Newton Norrell R. L. Ott Owens Parks Pitts Pope Quinn Ridgeway Riley Rivers Robinson-Simpson Rutherford Ryhal Sabb Sandifer Sellers Simrill Skelton G. M. Smith J. E. Smith Sottile Southard Spires Stavrinakis Tallon Taylor Toole Vick Weeks Wells Whipper White Whitmire Williams Willis Wood Members of the Senate who voted in the affirmative were: Alexander Allen Bennett Campbell Campsen Cleary Coleman Cromer Davis Fair Grooms Hayes Hembree Hutto Jackson Johnson Kimpson Leatherman Lourie Malloy Martin, Larry Massey Matthews McElveen Nicholson O'Dell Peeler Pinckney Rankin Reese Scott Setzler Shealy Sheheen Thurmond Turner Verdin Williams Young