AARP Eye Center

The 770,000+ caregivers in South Carolina face many issues as they care for their loved ones. AARP is working to address these issues on several different levels including three caregiving issues at the federal level.
The Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act would implement the bipartisan recommendation of the federal Commission on Long-Term Care that Congress require the development of a national strategy to support family caregivers. The Act would bring together relevant federal agencies and others from the private and public sectors, such as family caregivers, older adults and persons with disabilities, health care and LTSS providers, employers, relevant industries, state and local officials, and others on an advisory council to advise and make recommendations regarding the national strategy.
The Credit for Caring Act would provide a new, non-refundable federal tax credit of up to $3,000 to family caregivers to help address the financial challenges of caregiving and help working family caregivers remain employed and not have to leave their jobs and risk their financial security. A family caregiver tax credit could help working family caregivers pay for a home care aide, adult day care, respite care or other supports that help their loved ones and make it easier for the caregivers to work.
The Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) Caucus, launched in March 2015, focuses on bringing greater visibility to the value of and need to support family caregivers, the challenges and opportunities individuals of all ages face as they seek to live independently, and the need for solutions. The caucus aims to inform Members of Congress about these issues, elevate the conversation, forge an environment and context conducive to reaching bipartisan solutions, and help create a sense of urgency to act. The caucus is a venue for learning more about particular issues, exchanging ideas, sharing information, growing interest and commitment to addressing the issues, and creating bipartisan conversations and relationships around these issues that can lead to solutions.
What can you do? Call or write your member of Congress and encourage that he support RAISE Act and Caregiver Tax Credit and join Act Caucus.