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AARP AARP States South Carolina Advocacy

Ethics Reform News Conference Statement

SC statehouse

AARP South Carolina Statement on Ethics Reform

Patrick Cobb, AARP South Carolina spokesman

"On behalf of AARP South Carolina, a nonpartisan organization that does not endorse candidates, I would like to thank Senator Larry Martin for his work to move ethics reform forward in the Senate.  We have over 580,000 members in SC.  We recently conducted a very informal survey of AARP members in the state.  541 surveys were completed via Survey Monkey. This survey was not intended to a scientific research tool, but a quick Palmetto pulse of individuals 50+ in South Carolina on the issue of good government.  Results show an overwhelming support for ethics reform.  For example, 86.78% of the respondents supported stronger income disclosure requirements, 97% supported stronger campaign contribution disclosure requirements, and 88.81% supported the development of an independent investigatory body.  AARP believes that “Government at all levels should establish and adequately fund independent nonpartisan commissions to create and enforce ethics and lobbying regulations.” Also, “Public accountability is unattainable unless elected officials and government appointees are committed to implementing and enforcing evenhandedly the laws and regulations for which they are responsible.”  The legislation that is on the Senate Calendar for debate accomplishes these two important goals."

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