AARP Eye Center
February 8 th is the filing deadline for candidates for the South Carolina Silver Haired Legislature.
This grassroots organization was set up by law to identify issues facing South Carolina’s older population and propose recommendations to the governor, lieutenant governor and General Assembly. The latest Census data indicate while the state’s overall population grew 15%, the number of citizens 60 and older has increased 40%. Another statistic is that 10 of the state’s 46 counties lost population while simultaneously experiencing a double-digit increase in the 60-plus category.
Any registered voter who 60 years or older and living in Richland, Lexington, Newberry and Fairfield counties should contact the Central Midlands Area Agency on Aging at 803-376-5390 for information on how to file to serve. A $20 filing fee is required. An overview of the Silver Haired Legislature may be found here.
Among the recommendations adopted last fall by the South Carolina Silver Haired Legislature was support for home and community based programs to meet the rapid increase in the number of senior citizens; and the creation by the Legislature of a Select Committee on Aging to track the impact of the Baby Boom on South Carolina’s state agencies and programs.