AARP Eye Center

While there are certainly many exceptional opportunities in the role of a volunteer State President with AARP, one that offers a look into the workings of our national congressional leadership is LOBBY DAY on the Hill. This occurs once a year, and is part of a week long AARP Leadership Summit in DC. State Presidents travel with the State Director for this event, and work collaboratively with one another, as well as state staff, to coordinate meeting times individually with our delegation and/or their staff. These visits offer an opportunity to talk about shared issues of AARP, South Carolina, and our congressmen. Our experience ( Teresa Arnold and I just completed our fourth year of Lobby Day!), proves to be of great benefit in establishing more personal contacts with those in decision making positions for not just South Carolina, but all those who are 50+ and their families. Truly a meaningful privilege as a volunteer State President, and South Carolinian!