AARP Eye Center

"Over the last several years, AARP South Carolina has been aggressively fighting for fair energy rates for our members and older South Carolinians. They depend on us to stand up for them and I am proud of what we have accomplished.”
"Our members, in remarkable numbers, testified in January to the Public Service Commission about their concerns regarding what higher rates would mean to them. All parties listened, and we went to work on their behalf to reach this settlement agreement in their best interest.”
“We can tell our members that we have reached a settlement that protects consumers from unfair rate increases. At the end of a six-month pause by the Office of Regulatory Staff and after thoughtful negotiations with Dominion, the average household on average will only pay $1.81 more a month. This is a 1.46 percent increase to residential customers and a 50 cent increase in the flat fixed fee.”
“As an intervenor, AARP SC specifically worked on behalf of its members and other ratepayers to:
- Successfully advocated for a six-month delay in the rate case during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic thus freezing rates.
- Pushed for a flat fixed fee that remained under $10 for residential customers. The fee currently is $9, and the proposed settlement fee is $9.50.
- Dominion agreed not to file another general rate case for two years.”
“Dominion will provide up to $30 million from shareholder funds to assist vulnerable and economically troubled customers at no cost to ratepayers. This will help those who have been affected by the pandemic and address critical upgrades for home weatherization.”
“The original rate increase request asked for 7.75 percent increase and also a jump in the flat fixed fee. There are things that both sides compromised on. However, this a big step forward for the state of South Carolina and our more than 6000,000 AARP South Carolina members.”