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Duke Energy wants to raise your electricity bill by 16.3%. This would be a more than $200 a year increase for the average customer who uses 1000 kwh of electricity each month.
CHARLOTTE — AARP members from the Carolinas joined a chorus of protesters at the Duke Energy shareholders meeting who feel the company’s rate hike requests are excessive in today’s economy.
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See what South Carolina 50+ voters are saying about chained CPI, a proposal on the table in Washington to cut Social Security and Veterans' benefits. Click on the graphic to understand how chained CPI harms South Carolina residents.
Thousands of poor South Carolinian's with disabilities continue to live in grossly inadequate conditions in community residential care facilities (CRCFs) across the state. April 9, 2013 Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. (P&A) released Still…No Place to Call Home, an update of its 2009 report, No Place to Call Home. The new report documents conditions at 14 CRCFs across the state. The report’s findings reveal continued lack of oversight of facilities that are dirty, provide inadequate food, do not administer medications correctly, violate residents’ rights, and do not provide protection from potential harm.
(Columbia) The AARP South Carolina and GOP runoff candidate debate scheduled for Tuesday, March 26 in Beaufort has been cancelled due to candidate participation. "It takes two candidates to have a debate," said Patrick Cobb, AARP SC spokesperson. "After numerous attempts to get Mr. Bostic's commitment to participate in the debate, a decision had to be made in the ability to produce a quality debate." Mark Sanford had previously accepted the invitation for the debate.
What are home- and community-based services? Home- and community-based services (HCBS) prevent or delay frail seniors and persons with disabilities from being admitted to nursing homes. Services include such assistance as personal care aides, adult day services, transportation, home-delivered meals, congregate meals, nutrition education, respite care and other services.
AARP South Carolina and have invited the two GOP runoff candidates on the ballot for the First Congressional seat nomination, Curtis Bostic and Mark Sanford to participate in a candidate debate on Tuesday, March 26 at USC-Beaufort's Performing Arts Center, 801 Carteret at 10:30 a.m. The event is free and open to the public.
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