AARP Eye Center

Who’s Who in the Legislative and Political Process?
South Carolina and our country have experienced numerous changes in 2017. South Carolina will have a special Congressional election and transitions are occurring within the leadership of state government. There are newly elected officials in the state General Assembly. What does it all mean and which elected officials are in charge of what issues?
Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act are federal issues. This means policy and laws related to these issues are set by Congress and the President. So who represents South Carolina in the United States Congress?
Our United States senators are Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Tim Scott. Our members of Congress include Congressmen Mark Sanford, Joe Wilson, Jeff Duncan, Trey Gowdy, Mick Mulvaney, Jim Clyburn and Tom Rice. For more information check out this web link
Now to make things more confusing President Trump has nominated Congressman Mulvaney to head his office on Management and Budget. Once he is confirmed for this position, Congressman Mulvaney must resign his seat from the United States House of Representatives. There will be then be a special election for this open seat.
The South Carolina State Legislature or General Assembly sets policy and passes laws on issues like funding for respite vouchers, state retirement, services for seniors, utility matters and a myriad of other things AARP SC members and volunteers care about. And yes, there are lots of changes in state government.
Earlier this week Governor Nikki Haley became Ambassador to the United Nations. Shortly afterwards Lt. Governor Henry McMaster was sworn in as Governor. On Wednesday the South Carolina Senate named Senator Kevin Bryant of Anderson to the position of President Pro-Tempore. In our state the President Pro-Tempore becomes Lt. Governor when that office becomes vacant. That means Senator Bryant is now our Lt. Governor.
South Carolina has an interesting provision that names the Lt. Governor as the head of the Office on Aging. AARP South Carolina looks forward to working with Lt. Governor Bryant.
Our state legislature has changed a good bit. The South Carolina Senate has several new Senators, three of whom are women. They join Senator Katrina Shealy thus making a total of four women senators.
The South Carolina House of Representatives also has several new members. Check out this web link to learn more about our state legislature.