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Scams & Fraud

Learn How to Avoid Their Scams at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
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A con man on the loose in Chattanooga? Nope. He’s one of the good guys now.
Join our series of online Q&A sessions to learn how to avoid them.
AARP Tennessee will host and co-host several free shredding events across the state in April. Every 2 seconds, someone's identity is stolen, and shredding sensitive documents is a great way to protect yourself against scammers.
By Alan Marx, AARP Tennessee Consumer Watchdog
AARP Tennessee and the Chattanooga Police Department will host a very special “Coloring with Cops” event on March 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT at the Northgate Mall in Chattanooga. This event will allow area children to meet local police officers.
By Alan Marx, AARP Tennessee Consumer Watchdog
By Alan Marx, AARP Tennessee Consumer Watchdog
Every year and every legislative session is critical to achieving the AARP mission – to champion positive social change in order to enhance the quality of life for all as we age. This year’s session of the Tennessee General Assembly, however, was one of the best ever.
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