Enjoy a free cup of coffee and learn about CarShare Vermont. Tim Boyle will talk about their collaboration with AARP and the benefits of carsharing as part of an active multimodal lifestyle. CarShare VT is also running a special promotion for residents age 55+ that Tim will share information about.
AARP is focused on a placemaking process that incorporates the needs and desires of a community to catalyze quick improvements and promote true livability. A partnership between AARP VT, VDH, YMCA, Community Workshop and ACCD is interested in exploring how placemaking can help grow strong local economies, support, healthy active lifestyles for people of all ages and ability while strengthening a community’s historical, natural and cultural assets. Two recent workshops in Brattleboro and Burlington featured presentations and discussion on how a placemaking initiative might look in different Vermont communities.
AARP Vermont partnered with Smart Growth America on Nov. 6 to host a Vermont-specific webinar on implementing complete streets principles in rural and small towns across the state. Attendees and officials from towns and villages across Vermont participated.
The state’s population is aging, and AARP Vermont wants to help communities plan for that change. AARP is working with policymakers, developers and business people on smart approaches to housing, transportation and infrastructure improvements.
Change always starts with a good idea and energy...and sometimes a little jump start! As a way to encourage and support grassroots action to make Burlington more livable, AARP Vermont is once again offering Community Action Grants to provide modest funding and technical support to community groups or individuals. The initiative is part of the Livable BTV, an AARP Vermont initiative aimed at preparing Burlington for the rapidly aging demographic shift – particularly in the areas of housing, mobility and community engagement. The deadline for applications is October 6, 2017.
Vermont’s population is aging rapidly and cities and towns need to begin to make accommodations for a changing demographic across the state. That was one of the many issues addressed at the Smart Growth Summit held on June 16 at Champlain College and hosted by AARP Vermont and the Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC). About 160 local officials, planners, policy makers, developers, advocates, and business people from across Vermont came together to share their insights and learn more during a dynamic and interactive summit aimed at addressing a host of community development challenges and opportunities.
AARP Vermont and CarShare Vermont are partnering to offer AARP members a special deal when applying for a Car Share membership – they are waiving the $30 application fee! Cars are available throughout Burlington and Winooski, VT.