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AARP Washington

Making a difference where you live
MAY 8, 2024
AARP is now accepting nominations for its 2024 Washington Andrus Award for Community Service, which honors 50+ Washingtonians who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
MAY 2, 2024
Washington's "Caring for Caregivers" video podcast series features discussions with local experts, community leaders, and caregivers just like you on a range of topics to help you along your caregiving journey.
By George Dicks, Geriatric Mental Health Practitioner with Harborview Mental Health and Addiction Service
Washington's "Caring for Caregivers" video podcast series features discussions with local experts, community leaders, and caregivers just like you on a range of topics to help you along your caregiving journey.
After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2009 at the age of 57, Bill Meyer of Spokane went on the offensive using his love of the outdoors to help others. In 2016, he founded PasstoPass, a non-profit helping people with Parkinson’s to continue backpacking and hiking as a form of symptom mitigation. Starting with just one hike in 2016, the effort has grown to six regional chapters and a total of 7,549 cumulative miles hiked.
For the first time since AARP began publishing the Scorecard in 2011, more than half of Medicaid long-term care dollars nationwide for older adults and people with physical disabilities went to home- and community-based services instead of nursing homes and other institutions.
Underutilized government assistance benefits help households save money
Washington's "Caring for Caregivers" video podcast series features discussions with local experts, community leaders, and caregivers just like you on a range of topics to help you along your caregiving journey.
As we enter November, it is open enrollment for most insurance companies, the dedicated time each year when you can purchase and apply for health insurance for the following year.
A guide to when, where and how to get health insurance in Washington.
November is National Family Caregivers Month, which seeks to shine a bright light on the more than 48 million American heroes, including 820,000 here in Washington state, helping care for their loved ones independently at home – where they want to be.
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