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AARP AARP States Washington Advocacy

Creating Communities That Support Health Aging

Nancy Leamond
Nancy LeaMond is the executive vice-president of the AARP State & National Group.

Creating Communities That Support Healthy Aging
By Nancy LeaMond

The dramatic aging of our population will be one of America’s greatest challenges of the 21st century. For some of us Policy & Practice readers, the aging of America already is part of our everyday world of thought and planning, and has been for some time. For others, it may have, so far, played only an incidental, or peripheral, role in your daily responsibilities.

But—please believe me—the aging of our population is a phenomenon that will profoundly affect all sectors of our society. Everyone who is privileged to be in a position to make a difference will be tasked with an important role in dealing with it. And when historians years from now look back at our time and at what we did, one of their primary points of measurement will be how we met this great challenge.

A key component of meeting the challenge will be our nation’s communities successfully adapting to accommodate their aging residents by making changes in infrastructure and services that will benefit all age groups. If community leaders have a range of information, tools, successful strategies, and best practices available to assist them at the outset, the task will be easier and less costly. AARP is committed to being a primary go-to resource. Here are some key points everyone needs to know.

Read: Creating Communities That Support Healthy Aging

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