AARP Eye Center

In an age of data breaches and sophisticated identity thieves, protecting your digital information is more important than ever. According to the California-based Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, there were over 738 data breaches in 2017 exposing more than 2-billion individual’s records. In fact, experts say very few of us haven’t been affected.
And while identity thieves are busy sharing and selling our personal information online, a new state survey from AARP shows Washington consumers are falling further behind in the battle to protect their identities.
According to the report, “Up for Grabs,” six-in-ten Washington adults (60%) failed a quiz testing their “Digital Identity IQ.” The survey of Washington online users 18+ revealed that a lack of awareness and knowledge of online dangers may be contributing to increased risks for Washington consumers.
Not only is a lack of awareness placing consumers at risk, many others admit they have just given up. Again, 60% of those surveyed said that -- given the number of data breaches over the years -- they feel it is inevitable that criminals will use their stolen identity to exploit their credit at some point.
How do you fare? Test your knowledge by taking our Digital Identity IQ quiz and see how you stack up against the rest of the state.