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AARP AARP States Washington Local Resources

Great discounts for people 60+ in Seattle/King County

Mayors gold card
Image provided by Mayor's Office for Senior Citizens

Looking for a good discount?  Then check out the “Gold Card for Healthy Aging” from the Seattle Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens.  The Gold Card provides people 60 years of age and older with discounts such as free admission to the Seattle Aquarium, reduced admission to the Woodland Park Zoo, a 50-percent discount on dog and cat licenses and “Golden Pets for Your Golden Years” adoptions at Seattle Animal Shelters - as well as many other services and discounts offered by businesses and organizations in the Seattle/King County area.

Gold Card benefits are listed in a discounts directory online.  You can also request a directory by calling 206-684-0500.

The Gold Card also features the toll-free Senior Information and Assistance number 1-888-4ELDERS (1-888-435-3377). Call the number for answers to your questions about health, wellness and everyday living as an older adult.

To get the Gold Card, visit a location in your community including:

•     The Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens
•    Seattle Animal Control Offices
•     Seattle Neighborhood Service Centers
•     Seattle Parks and Recreation Community Centers
•    Senior Centers in Seattle

* The card is limited to residents of Seattle/King County. This is not an AARP program. Any information you provide to the host organization shall be governed by its privacy policy.

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