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AARP AARP States Washington Health & Wellbeing

New Program to Help with Hospital Costs in Washington

Health care costs

A newly expanded charity care law is set to help more Washington residents pay for their health care. The state says 4 million Washingtonians qualify for free or discounted hospital care.

A bill supported by AARP Washington requires large hospital systems to provide more financial assistance to patients. Under the law passed earlier in 2022, residents making up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level may not have to pay out-of-pocket health care costs; those making 301 to 400 percent are eligible for discounts. According to the state, a four-person household making up to $111,000 could get a discount.

About half of Washingtonians are eligible for free or discounted care under the law. Large urban hospitals will offer larger discounts than small rural ones. More at

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