AARP Eye Center

AARP Washington Seeking Volunteers Across the State
Have a friend that might like volunteering with the AARP community? There's a volunteer role for everyone at AARP Washington!
Whether you prefer virtual or in-person opportunities, AARP volunteers do it all. We have opportunities to give presentations to local groups, speak with legislators, or table at community events, and more.
We are currently looking for community and advocacy volunteers.
Advocacy volunteers keep up to date on state and federal issues through monthly conference calls and regular e-mail updates regarding various policies and legislation of interest to AARP members. They periodically meet with State Legislators and other elected officials, attend committee hearings, and stay in touch with their lawmakers by phone and e-mail regarding AARP’s state legislative agenda.
Community Outreach volunteers serve as AARP liaisons in the community with local organizations and groups. They participate and volunteer at events, conferences, and community meetings; and identify local events and opportunities to increase AARP visibility and engage members. There are also opportunities to give community presentations for programs like HomeFit, Fraud Watch Network and Caregiving.
Join one of our monthly volunteer onboarding events. Invite a friend to start sharing their passions and skills!
If you know of someone who may be interested in joining our team, send us an email at