AARP Eye Center

If you’re passionate about issues that affect Arizonans 50-plus, now’s the time to make your voice heard.
AARP Arizona will host lawmakers for an informal lunch at its annual Day at the Legislature, on the state capitol lawn in Phoenix, on Tuesday, March 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Staff and volunteers will share with legislators AARP’s top advocacy priorities for 2020.

The organization’s legislative goals this year include protecting retirement income; helping people in need of long-term care stay in their homes; ending surprise medical bills; stopping predatory lending practices and other financial scams; and containing prescription drug costs.
Dana Kennedy, AARP Arizona’s state director, and advocacy head Steve Jennings will brief volunteers and staff on important issues ahead of the event.
AARP members and the public are invited to attend the free lunch, at which attendees may talk with lawmakers individually. It will be held on the lawn of the Senate, at 1700 W. Washington St.
Free parking is available in the lot immediately east of the capitol. Call 877-926-8300 or go to to register.
Learn about AARP Arizona’s advocacy efforts and volunteer opportunities by emailing or calling 866-389-5649.
—James E. Garcia