AARP Eye Center
Puzzled by the Health Care Law?

We understand that the health law can be confusing, but it doesn't have to leave you puzzled. With so much information out there, it can be difficult to weed out the facts from fiction. You are invited to this free event where we'll help you piece it all together so that you can walk away with information that will help you understand how the health law impacts you and your family. Join us at one of several presentations across the metro area.
7/16/2013 12:30-1:30
Ford-Warren Library (Denver)
2825 High Street, Denver, 80205
Register online
7/23/2013 1 10:30-11:30 1001
Boulder Main Library (Boulder Creek Meeting Room): ACA & Medicare
Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302
Register online
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