The Adult Development and Aging Project (ADAPT) research team is currently looking for participants to be a part of a new clinical trial based on a recent successful pilot program.
Tattered Cover presents a live stream event about "Caregiving In A New World" with Host, Bob Murphy, State Director at AARP-CO in conversation with Wendy Benson and Beth Myers, of 2x2 Health and co-authors of The Confident Patient on June 21 at 2:00 pm.
BACK TO WORK 50+ program offers free online workshops on the strategies you need to compete for full-time, in-demand jobs. Experienced coaches help you focus on the steps you need to launch your job search. The next Denver online workshop is on May 5, 2021 from 10:00-11:00AM. Register today!
Hunker Down by Robert F. Benjamin is a timely, heartwarming romantic comedy about older, single adults grappling with isolation during COVID times. During the spring 2020 shutdown, out of desperation, a lonely widow (Bari, played by Anne Myers) pleads to visit with her curmudgeonly neighbor (Kevin, played by Tim Fishbaugh) to meet up. He begrudgingly agrees to meeting on Zoom which sets them off on a journey that surprises them both. .