Explore strategies for claiming Social Security benefits and making Social Security decisions that meet your needs. Join us on March 13 (6-7 pm) for this free, virtual seminar to discover commonly asked questions about Social Security benefits and the importance of making informed decisions.
Tax season isn’t just about filing returns; it’s also prime time for IRS impostor scams. In 2023 alone, consumers reported losing a staggering $5.8 million to these scams, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Here’s what you need to know to stay one step ahead of these crooks.
Scammers are continually perfecting their scams, getting more sophisticated, learning new techniques with new technology, and honing their methods to better manipulate their targets. If we really want to keep ourselves - and our money - safe from fraud, we must all come to terms with one thing: our personal information is likely already out there.
Can you afford a major increase in your auto insurance rates? AARP advocates have successfully weighed in and helped push back on prior insurance rate hike requests. With insurers calling for a 22.6 percent increase this year, AARP can help you make your voices heard.