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The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 introduced major updates to retirement savings, offering greater flexibility for individuals managing their 401(k) plans. These changes, effective in 2024, allow easier access to retirement funds for emergencies and adjust required minimum distribution (RMD) rules. While the updates are helpful, it’s important to weigh the long-term impact of these decisions on your financial future.
News and Notes from AARP Michigan
AARP Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show airing every Tuesday on ABC 53 in Lansing and Jackson at 9:00 am and ABC 4 West Michigan at noon.
Resources, programs and support available for Michigan’s Military Community
Free resources, community programming and access to discounts to meet the unique needs of veterans and their loved ones.
A new bill could make it harder for employers to discriminate against older Oregonians.
Planning for your financial future starts today, and we know that can be overwhelming and daunting at times. There are competing responsibilities, like la familia, education, work, social groups and more. Having a strong financial plan will help you and your family be better prepared for the future, whether it’s saving for emergencies and retirement, reducing debt, owning a home, or starting a business. Regardless of what your short and long-term financial goals are, we can help.
RetireReady NJ is a new retirement savings program, created by the New Jersey Secure Choice Savings Program Act, a law AARP fought for to ensure you have a brighter and more secure financial future. Workers at all levels of earnings, education, and backgrounds can benefit from the ability to use RetireReady NJ to save for retirement.
Get all the details here about the Arkansas Saves plan.
People are 20 times more likely to save for retirement if contributions are automatically deducted from their paychecks. Minnesota’s Secure Choice Retirement Program is a new state-sponsored plan designed to help small businesses offer employees an easy way to save for their future. Set to launch after January 2025, Secure Choice is:
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