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Erin Neff

Current Role: Communications Manager
Downloadable resources for family caregivers
Volunteers help reduce social isolation by delivering flowers to senior centers and veterans homes in Nevada
CareLinx has generously sponsored up to three hours of respite care for those attending the Care to Laugh event Nov. 30
AARP will be creating an ofrenda (altar) for Days of the Dead. We need photos for the decoration.
AARP invests in communities across Nevada by funding $28,376 in projects as part of nationwide grant program
Jessica Padron has accepted a position with AARP Nevada as Advocacy Director
Gov. Joe Lombardo signed SB305, establishing a retirement savings plan for 300,000 Nevadans at work
AARP Nevada supports AB67, which creates a compensation fund in cases of securities fraud.
Today, a secure retirement is out of reach for half of Nevada’s 593,000 private sector workforce, especially those who work for themselves or small businesses. More than 296,000 Nevada workers do not have a way to save for retirement through their job, leaving them unprepared to support themselves in the future and more likely to have Social Security as their only source of retirement income.
AARP Nevada and the Senior Coalition of Washoe County are hosting two resource fairs in Reno to provide a one-stop location for information important to seniors.
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