AARP Eye Center

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest, free tax assistance and preparation program, and its dedicated corps of volunteers will help thousands of older, low- and middle-income Colorado State residents get help in filing their tax forms.
Volunteers from previous years have found this to be an extremely rewarding experience.
Our bilingual sites help a segment of our community that may be entitled to tax returns, but might not file for one if not for the free service we provide.
Last year volunteers provided tax preparation services to over 230 clients and generated a total refund of approximately $250,000, an amount that might otherwise have been lost to the Hispanic community since many of the people that filed their returns might not have filed due to language and cultural barriers.
This year AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is expanding service to the Denver Spanish speaking community. Bilingual volunteers are needed to offer this service from February 1 through April 15 of 2014 at Denver and Aurora locations serving primarily Spanish speaking clients.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers assist individuals with the preparation of their federal and state basic income tax returns. Tax Aide does not do complicated tax returns involving business or investment income. Even if you don’t have accounting or tax preparation experience, becoming a Tax-Aide volunteer may be right for you.
Training is provided by the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program on using tax preparation software through a self-study course that can be done at home, supplemented by a number of meetings to go over the materials. However, if you feel qualifying as a bilingual tax preparer might be too challenging, we also need translators to work as a team with English language tax preparers.
To apply or for additional information, please contact Roberto Rey at or 303-318-6763.
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