AARP Eye Center

AARP Colorado and No Copay Radio have teamed up and will periodically alert you to the topics being broadcast on No Copay Radio that are important to AARP members in Colorado. Visit this blog often to find past broadcasts that you want to hear.
No Copay Radio helps you learn the truth behind health headlines. Starring longtime Colorado broadcaster Murphy Huston, this podcast offers the inside story on health news. Click here for the podcasts. Be sure to follow the podcast to get new episodes sent directly to you. You may also email at, or tweet No Copay Radio if you have questions you would like answered in future episodes.
This week, Jennifer Reeves is on the show. She and Murf are joined by Theresa Kullen, program manager of the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) at the Department of Human Services (CDHS). This program provides financial assistance for low-income households with their heating expenses during the winter months. With the winter we’ve currently had, this is an invaluable resource to help those with limited financial choices with a better quality of health and well being and to ease the financial stress. This is especially beneficial for seniors wanting to stay in their own home.
During the broadcast, Theresa shares with us information related to:
- What exactly the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) means for Coloradans.
- Why seniors are so vulnerable during the winter months.
- How to apply for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP).
- What the qualifications are to receive funding from this program.
- Why seniors are vulnerable during the winter months.
- What Colorado Peak offers Coloradans.
- How family members can apply for the program on behalf of a senior needing help.
For more information on the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, visit their website and search “LEAP”). You can also call the Heat Help Hotline at 1-866-432-8435 (or 1-866-HEAT-HELP).
No Copay Radio is a partner of the Denver Regional Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging. You can reach the Area Agency on Aging at 303-480-6700 or at DRCOG.