AARP Eye Center

Warm summer months often lead to more door-to-door solicitations. Regardless of if you believe the person at your door is a legitimate solicitor or not, it is important to remain skeptical and cautious, especially if they are trying to sell you something. Scammers often try and solicit donations for charity, offer a home repair service or pose as a utility worker. The following are some tips to stay safe:
- Do business on the spot! You can and should always get a second opinion.
- Give out sensitive personal or financial information to someone who shows up at your door unannounced.
- Pay for services in cash. Be wary of paying up-front for a product or service that will be delivered at a later date.
- Let a stranger invite themselves into your home.
- Scare tactics, like the solicitor telling you he smells a gas leak coming from your home.
- Deals that offer steeply discounted prices that seem “too good to be true” or not in line with your expectations.
- Remember that a receipt is worth nothing unless the business is valid and reputable.
- Before signing anything, be sure you read and understand exactly what you are signing.
- Don't be afraid to offend someone by asking them to leave.
It is easy to fake credibility. Do your research. Check with an objective third party to verify someone’s identity. Don’t hesitate to call the police if you feel threatened or contact AARP ElderWatch if you have any questions about a door-to-door solicitation or other potential scams.
Denver Metro Area