AARP Eye Center
The Elder Care Network of Northern Colorado is presenting its third annual Elder Care Resource Day: A Day of Learning for Family Caregivers on Saturday, April 6, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Timberline Church, 2908 S. Timberline Road in Fort Collins.
[Photo Courtesy of: Ed Yourdon/Flickr]
This year’s topics have been divided into five tracks. Providing care for our loved ones is a complex and changing process, often people find themselves at different phases of the process, or facing different challenges. By having multiples tracks to pick from, participants at this year’s event will be able to choose the topics that are most relevant to them today.
How to Navigate Through Family Dynamics
1. When Elder Care causes Family Tensions
2. Prepare to Care-A Planning Guide for Families
3. Caring from a Distance
End of Life Planning
1. Steps Involved in Funeral Planning
2. The Hospice Concept-Part of the Continuum of Life
3. Caring for a Person Who Is Homebound
Taking Care of You; Self Care For Family Caregivers
1. Emotions of Caregiving
2. Reducing Caregiver Stress
3. Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Alzheimer's and Dementia
1. Treatments and Therapies
2. Caring for Parents with Different Needs
3. Taking the Keys and Other Difficult Topics
Navigating the System
1. Ombudsmen;
2. Care Setting: The Continuum
3. Overview of Financial Resources
The Elder Care Network is comprised of 75 companies and organizations that provide services and products for our elders. This day is an opportunity to learn from the experts in senior care and interact with them. The Elder Care Network also sponsors and hosts
Senior Law Day each year. If you would like to attend, but feel you can’t get away from your caregiving responsibilities, don’t despair. Due to generous underwriting from several in-home healthcare agencies, respite care for the day of this event is available at reduced rates with advanced registration. Call 970-495-3442 for contact information for these agencies.
Make your reservation for Resource Day on our website at or call 970-495-3442 today !
Elder Care Network of Northern Colorado is a non-profit organization registered in Colorado.
Our mission is to assist Larimer and Weld county seniors by providing information, resources, and support to caregivers and to professional service providers. The Network is made up of family members and community professionals who host and promote activities and various educational events designed to assist seniors and their families.