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AARP AARP States Colorado

Get the Help you Need with ElderWatch

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If you’re over 50 and need assistance understanding or organizing your finances, take advantage of AARP ElderWatch’s new, virtual peer to peer financial counseling program.


CHECKING CREDIT REPORTS: Only 25 percent of Coloradans do it, but checking your credit report is a free and easy way to make sure your finances and identity are kept safe. Volunteers will guide you through the credit report process and assist with identity theft protections to empower you to have full control over your finances.

FINANCES AFTER THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE: Has a partner or spouse died in the past year? Are you struggling with managing and organizing your bills and bank accounts? Have less than 50k in assets and need assistance with a will? Volunteers will assist in helping you create a budget, organize your financial accounts, stick to a financial plan, and wills on a case by case basis.

CONNECTION TO FINANCIAL RESOURCES: If you are struggling with covering your basic expenses, volunteers will do an assessment and connect you with local financial resources including applying for benefits to help manage costs.

CONTACT US TODAY 800-222-4444 option 2

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