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AARP AARP States Colorado

Join the fight to end workplace age discrimination in Colorado


When it comes to age discrimination in the workplace, we have a real problem. If passed, the Job Application Fairness Act can help.

Nationally, nearly 80% of older workers have seen or experienced age discrimination in the workplace. These numbers have only increased during the pandemic.  

Colorado is experiencing a significant skills gap in the workforce. When age discrimination pushes older workers out of the workforce, our entire economy suffers. For example, 50-plus households accounted for 53 cents of every dollar spent in Colorado in 2018 and is expected to grow to 61 cents (61%) by 2050, making this a pocketbook issue for both individuals and the state economy.

Tell your legislator to support closing this age discrimination loophole

Right now, it’s illegal to explicitly ask job applicants their age. Employers can get around this, however, by requiring prospective employees to include their year of high school or college graduation on applications.

Banning questions about graduation dates on applications can solve this problem. This simple change will create a more level playing field for older workers, while fostering stronger and more inclusive workplaces.

Call or email your legislators and tell them to vote yes on SB23-058. Find them online by clicking here.

Email language below, or say it in our own words:

Dear Senator/Representative

I urge you to support legislation to close Colorado’s workplace age discrimination loophole and pass the Job Application Fairness Act, SB23-058.

Age discrimination threatens the financial security of older workers by pushing them out of the workforce and denying them jobs and promotions.

The issue of workplace age discrimination is important to me and I urge you to support legislation this session to end it.

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