AARP Eye Center

Big Pharma is trying to protect their profits by destroying our state’s best tool to lower drug costs – the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB).
Coloradans and their families already can’t keep up with the skyrocketing costs of prescription medications, which is why advocates like you helped create Colorado’s PDAB in 2021.
Pharmaceutical companies are so nervous about having to pay a fair price that they are fighting tooth and nail to pass Senate Bill 24-060, stopping Colorado from lowering costs for hundreds of medications. Click below to let your representatives to vote NO!
Stop Big Pharma and tell your lawmaker to vote NO on SB24-60!
Colorado patients and families cannot keep up with the skyrocketing costs of prescription medications, and we need our lawmakers to fight so we can afford the critical medicines we need. Big Pharma is trying to protect their profits through Senate Bill 24-60 and destroy the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, our best tool to lower drug costs. I strongly urge you to vote NO on SB24-060.
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) was created by Colorado patients, consumer advocates, and lawmakers to rein in the costs of prescription medications. This board gives me hope that our state will be able to lower medication costs. In fact, a bipartisan 71% of Colorado voters supported the creation of the Board.
This bill puts all of our access to affordable medications at serious risk. Please don’t pass this giveaway to Big Pharma. Prescription drugs don’t work if people can’t afford them! No one should have to choose between groceries or keeping a roof over their head and the lifesaving medicines they and their families need.
Put Colorado patients and families first, not Big Pharma. Vote NO on SB24-060!