AARP Eye Center

With one in four Americans between the ages 44 and 70 interested in starting their own business or nonprofit venture in the next five to ten years, the U.S. Small Business Administration and AARP are renewing their “Summer of Encore Mentoring” educational events targeting entrepreneurs over the age of 50 who want to start or grow their small business.
Building on the existing experience, knowledge, networks and skills of those 50+ - all aspects that make those 50+ to be uniquely positioned to become a successful entrepreneurs - the SBA and AARP will match encore entrepreneurs with successful business owners, community leaders and advisers for advice, counseling and training assistance all across the country during the months of June, July and August 2016.
Summer of Encore Mentoring in Colorado
Here in Colorado, the SBA Colorado District Office, AARP Colorado and SBA’s local resource partners in Colorado, like SCORE, we will be working together to offer a variety of options and events to serve encore entrepreneurs across Colorado. We currently plan to offer an in-person kick-off event for encore entrepreneurs to learn about resources available to them in Colorado. Supplementing the kick-off event, we will also host both in-person smaller gatherings and meetup opportunities around the state, in addition to a statewide webinar. However, before we decide about the topics for the meetup groups and webinar, we want to hear from you about topics would be of most use to you. Please share your preferences by clicking here. Based on your feedback and interests, we will share the
details of the kick-off event, in-person meetup groups and online webinars on and
Free Online Courses, Resources and Webinars:
Interested in finding out more about encore entrepreneurship before we kickoff the Summer of Encore Mentoring in Colorado? I recommend reviewing some of the below free online courses, resources and webinars:
- From SBA: SBA offers a variety of free online courses, and for those 50+, we especially recommend the Encore Entrepreneur and Encore Entrepreneurship for Women courses that are designed specifically for the encore entrepreneur.
- From AARP: To review the Encore Entrepreneur webinars from 2015, please go to
- From SCORE: To find some upcoming online workshops from SCORE, please visit:
For more information about the SBA and AARP’s Encore Entrepreneur Mentoring in Colorado, please contact Sarah Hughes at, or for general information, please visit or