AARP Eye Center
Did you know that AARP airs a show through RFD-TV, a rural provider, that brings information about older adults and the issues they care about in rural areas and many Colorado communities can tune in?

AARP is reaching out further to rural America on AARP Live, which airs nationally on RFD-TV. The show focuses on the needs and wants of the millions of 50+ rural residents in the United States.
This live, one-hour call-in show airs on the third Thursday of each month on the RFD-TV cable network. AARP Live features AARP state directors and volunteers from rural areas who discuss issues that include jobs, healthcare, consumer protection, and retirement planning.
To tune in, go to and click on “Search for RFDTV in Your Area.” You may insert your zip code and find out how to view the program. In Colorado, the show is most widely carried by Comcast, Direct TV and the Dish Network. There is also an option to watch online.
RFD-TV is distributed by more than 625 satellite and cable networks, reaching more than 40 million U.S. television households, 11 million of whom are older viewers.
Currently, RFD-TV is distributed over 11 satellite cable systems, located in all 50 states. RFD-TV is the nation’s first 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week television network dedicated to serving the needs and interests of rural America. Programming is uplinked via satellite from Northstar Studios in Nashville.
The collaboration between AARP and RFD-TV began in 2010 and is a natural platform for AARP and our volunteers to showcase the fantastic work that they are doing at the state level to help older adults.
Again, go to for more information, or consult your local cable listings.