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Please Join AARP Colorado and watch the 2019 AARP Denver City Council Candidate Debates Friday nights from April 5 to April 19 and on Friday May 3 on Colorado Public Television, Channel 12.
AARP Colorado presents a series of debates looking at the major races for the Denver City Council in 2019. Tune in to Channel 12 at the following dates and times:
District 1 – Runs Friday April 5 at (60-minute debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the District 1 seat on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Victoria Aguilar, Sabrina D'Agosta, Scott Durrah, Praj Kulkarni, David Sabados, Amanda Sandoval and Mike Somma.
District 3 – Runs Friday, April 12 at 9 p.m. (60-minute debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the District 3 seat on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Veronica Barela, Annie Martínez, Raymond Montoya and Jamie Torres.
District 10 – Runs Friday, April 19 at 9 p.m. (30-minute debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the District 10 seat on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Chris Hinds, Antonio Mendez, Wayne New and Tony Smith.
At Large Seats – Runs Friday, April 19 at 9:30 p.m. (30 Minute debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the two At-Large seats on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Johnny Hayes, Lynne Langdon, Robin Kniech, Deborah Ortega, Jesse Parris and Tony Pigford.
District 8 – Runs Friday May 3 at 9 p.m. (30 minute debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the District 8 seat on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Miguel Ceballos-Ruiz, Chris Herndon, LaMone Noles, Erik Penn, Blair Taylor and Patrick F. Thibault.
District 9 – Runs Friday May 3 at 9:30 p.m. (30 Minute Debate). AARP Colorado presents a debate featuring the candidates running for the District 9 seat on the Denver City Council. Candidates include Albus Brooks, Candi CdeBaca, David Oletski and Jonathan Woodley.