Linwood Jackson has been presented with the AARP Delaware 2024 Andrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award.
As 2024 comes to a close, AARP Delaware’s advocacy work hasn’t slowed down. We’ve won in our efforts to advocate for you as 2024 bills are signed. We’ve been supporting local efforts to create affordable housing throughout the summer and fall. Here’s a re-cap and a look ahead:
If you’re 50 or older and live in Delaware, you’re probably doing more than your share to boost the state’s economy. A recent report by Oxford Economics for AARP dispels the myth that older people are a fiscal burden.
As you know, catastrophic budget cuts to Delaware’s Grant in Aid were passed in last year’s State budget. Much of the funding that was once provided to Delaware’s senior centers, health clinics, and veteran’s programs was reduced, resulting in a loss of services to residents age 50 and over.
I recently had the opportunity to join the dynamic staff and volunteers at AARP for their annual Lobby Day at Legislative Hall in Dover. It was my first time in my new role as AARP Delaware State President. The person in this top volunteer role represents AARP to a variety of governmental, corporate and community partners in the state and helps drive the mission of AARP – to make life better for those over age 50, and their families.
Each day, more than 123,000 Delawareans serve as caregivers for family members. Families are doing their best to care for loved ones at home. But they cannot do it alone. They need help to balance work, family and caregiving. Why does Delaware law say you cannot have a nurse’s aide come into your home and administer medicines to your loved one while you’re at work? AARP and a coalition of partners want to change this law, and let families get real help at home.
Delaware recently ranked #4 among all states for number of identity theft complaints; and ranked #8 for general fraud complaints. The City of Dover ranked #7 nationwide for fraud complaints. You can prevent yourself from becoming part of this growing statistic of consumers who are scammed daily. AARP wants to help, so we decided to be a sponsor of the 55+ Expo and focus on FRAUD PREVENTION. Join us at the Expo in Dover to gain valuable tools and tips and to sign on the AARP Fraud Watch Network so you can get ongoing updates about scams nationwide and in your community.