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AARP AARP States Florida Advocacy

AARP Florida Encourages Florida PSC to Prioritize Consumer Input in Duke Energy Rate Case Settlement Proposal

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – AARP Florida acknowledges that the Office of Public Counsel (OPC), Duke Energy and other intervenors have filed a proposed settlement agreement regarding Duke’s proposed rate increase. As the Florida Public Service Commission reviews the proposal, AARP Florida emphasizes the importance of listening to Duke customers.

“It is imperative that any proposed settlement agreement reviewed by the PSC is in the best interest of consumers,” said Zayne Smith, AARP Florida Director of Advocacy. “The PSC holds the final authority to rein in corporate greed and prevent unnecessary increases unrelated to power usage or reliability.”

AARP Florida members have shown significant concern, with over 11,200 online petitions signed and more than 1,322 public comments submitted to the Florida PSC opposing the proposed rate increase. These voices underscore the critical need for weighing the consumer voice when deciding utility costs for Duke customers.

"We urge the Florida PSC to prioritize the needs of Duke customers and our members as they evaluate the settlement agreement," added Smith. "An unnecessary increase for electric service harms all customers, especially residential customers already struggling with the high cost of living in Florida.”

AARP Florida looks forward to reviewing the details of the settlement agreement reached in the Duke Energy rate case. For updates, visit

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