Have you ever heard of a cryptocurrency (crypto) ATM before? Do you know what crypto ATMs are used for, how they work, or where they’re located? If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you're not alone! Most Floridians are unfamiliar with these machines – which is why scammers are exploiting crypto ATMs to steal millions of dollars from Floridians every year.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year...for both you and scammers. According to a 2023 AARP Holiday Shopping Fraud report, 80% of U.S. consumers have experienced holiday-related fraud. But what are the top scams? Here’s what you need to know to stay safe this holiday season:
Data breaches are enough to make most Floridians panic, but you can feel confident and secure after taking these simple steps to safeguard your personal information.
AARP Florida recently named Master Deputy Jeffery Merry Jr., Community Resource Deputy of Sun City Center, a Florida Fraud Fighter of distinction at an awards ceremony on August 8.
AARP Florida recently named Rima Nathan, Director of Florida State University’s Claude Pepper Elder Law Clinic, a Florida Fraud Fighter of distinction at their Opening Minds Through Art event, held June 21.
You can always expect hot temperatures in Florida – but what if someone told you to deal with them without power or air conditioning? That’s enough to cause even the strongest of Floridians to break a sweat!