AARP Eye Center

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, AARP Florida released its 2025 legislative priorities, emphasizing the importance of accessible and affordable housing options for all ages, the need to enhance long-term services and supports, and increase consumer protections as top priorities for the AARP advocacy team and volunteers.
“AARP’s work in the legislative process focuses on providing useful data, encouraging creative policy ideas and amplifying the voices of older Floridians,” said AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson. “We are committed to collaborating with legislative members, their staff, and other stakeholders.
“AARP Florida volunteer advocates will join our staff at the capitol again this year. Over the last several years, advocacy volunteers played a critical role in achieving advocacy wins. Their passion and personal experiences help elected officials understand how their decisions impact older adults in Florida.”
View the complete PDF of AARP Florida’s 2025 legislative priorities and lobbyist contact information.