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AARP Florida Unveils 2023 Legislative Focus Areas

florida capitol

Today, AARP Florida released its 2023 legislative focus areas, highlighting the importance of enhancing the quality and oversight of Florida’s long-term care system, increasing support for home and community-based services, and housing options as top priorities for the AARP advocacy team and volunteer advocates throughout the state.  

AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson said, “As we have seen in past years, we anticipate further attempts by the nursing home industry to slash patient care and cut high-quality nursing staffing in Florida. AARP is prepared to show the state legislature why it is imperative to keep high-quality, safe care in our nursing homes and why residents deserve to feel valued.  

“AARP looks forward to continuing to collaborate with legislative members and committee staff to provide subject matter experts who are well versed in policymaking on long-term care, home and community-based services, and housing.  

“Most importantly, we are welcoming our AARP volunteer advocates back to the Capitol for the first time since the pandemic. These older adults are active AARP volunteers who are passionate about sharing their stories and helping elected officials understand how their lawmaking directly affects older Floridians.”  

View the complete PDF of AARP Florida’s 2023 legislative priorities and lobbyist contact information:

AARP Florida 2023 Legislative Priorities

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