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AARP AARP States Florida

Online and Printable Fraud Resources

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Download the AARP post-disaster checklist to protect yourself from scams and price gouging. English | Spanish 

Election Fraud: Article / Handout / Spanish Handout (Last Updated: August 2024)

Utility Fraud: Article / Handout / Spanish Handout (Last Updated: June 2024)

Elder Abuse: Handout (Last Updated: June 2024)

Moving Scams: Article / Handout / Spanish Handout (Last Updated: April 2024)

Malvertising: Article / Handout / Spanish Handout (Last Updated: March 2024)

Romance/Relationship Scams: Article / Handout / Spanish Handout (Last Updated: Feb. 2024)

Employment Fraud: Article / Handout (Last Updated: Jan. 2024)

Student Loan Scams: Article / Handout (Last Updated: Oct. 2023)

Online Shopping Scams: Article / Handout (Last Updated: Nov. 2023)

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