AARP Eye Center

TALLAHASSEE – Earlier this year, AARP Florida petitioned and was granted permission to be a formal intervener in Florida Power & Light’s $1.34 billion base rate increase request before the Florida Public Service Commission. AARP believes this increase is without merit and unjustified, as the utility company is on track to make $1.6 billion in 2017 without the increase.
But some might be surprised by who agrees with AARP: Walmart, the Sierra Club, the Florida Retail Federation, the Florida Industrial Power Users Group, and the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association.
While AARP is preparing for the Aug. 22 hearing before the Florida Public Service Commission, take a look at what’s being said by those who also oppose the rate increase:
Walmart: “The cost of electricity is a significant element in the cost of operation for Walmart. FPL’s request for rate increases spanning the time period 2017 through 2019 present the potential for significant increases in the cost of electricity for Walmart, and therefore, Walmart’s overall operating costs.”
Sierra Club: “The Commission’s decisions may also substantially affect the value of FPL’s service to these members as the decisions will guide if not bind FPL’s selection of service offerings going forward, including whether to pursue, improve, or abandon certain activities and certain generation”
Florida Retail Federation: “…the FRF is the representative of a large number of its members who are retail electric customers of FPL, and these members’ substantial interests will be directly affected by the Commission’s decisions regarding FPL’s retail electric rates…”
Florida Industrial Power Users Group: “FIPUG is an ad hoc association consisting of industrial users of electricity in Florida. The cost of electricity constitutes a significant portion of FIPUG members’ overall costs of production. FIPUG members require adequate, reasonably-priced electricity in order to compete in their respective markets.”
South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association: “SFHHA seeks to protect its members’ substantial interests as they will be affected by the Commission’s decision in this case, and they face injury if the Commission were to approve FPL’s proposed rates, which are not just and reasonable and would be unduly discriminatory.”
You Still Have Time to Take Action!
You still have time to have your voice heard and make a difference before the final hearing in Tallahassee starting on Aug. 22. FPL residential customers who were unable to attend one of the public hearings in person can submit their testimony either one of two ways:
- email your testimony to the Public Service Commission Clerk at
- mail a paper copy of your testimony to:
Ms. Carlotta Stauffer
Commission Clerk
Florida Public Service Commission
2540 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850
Be sure to include: a) your first and last name; b) address where you receive FPL service; and c) the docket number 160021-E1 on your testimony so that it can be included for consideration.