AARP Eye Center

If you are a caregiver for, or spouse of, a veteran, make some time for yourself and connect with other caregivers at a monthly coffee break.
This virtual support group features guest speakers and gives caregivers the opportunity to share information, strategies and the rewards and challenges of caring for veterans.
The meetings take place at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. Topics for future events include veterans benefits, mental health and suicide prevention.
The virtual format allows veteran caregivers and spouses to attend without traveling or getting someone to cover their caregiving duties.
“It gives us a broader reach,” says Jil Hinds, an AARP Georgia associate state director. “And it’s convenient for those caregivers who can stay 10 minutes or the entire hour.”
Sponsored by AARP and the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, the support group is free, but registration is required to receive access to the online link.
Upcoming coffee breaks:
Sept. 15:
Oct. 20:
Nov. 17:
Dec. 15: